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25 Jahre Jubiläum

Measurement technology control technology heating technology


Complete program of electric heating elements


Nozzle heater bands Ceramic heater bands

Heating of cylinders on plastics processing machines
and other process engineering applications up to 450°C


Flat heaters in sheet steel, micanite, silicone

Surface heating elements are used wherever a surface needs to be heated evenly and effectively. Surface heating elements are used in household appliance technology, but also in industry for a wide variety of applications. Their area of application ranges from coffee machines to standstill heating for electric motors. Working temperatures of up to 450°C (in individual cases up to 600°C) and surface loads of up to 5 W/cm² are possible with optimum heat transfer.


cartridge heaters

Diameter Ø3.0 to Ø=50 with a max. length of up to 3000mm, temperature-resistant up to max. 750°C on the cartridge shell.
Special wattage up to max. 60 W/cm²
Voltages 12V to 500V
reproducible power distribution possible
possible with hot tip
available as a PTC controlled cartridge heater
available with integrated fuse
with integrated temperature sensor type J, K, PT100


immersion heater
screw-in heater

Various designs and variants.
With built-in temperature fuse or thermostat.

Can be used for all industrial and building services applications.


- Plant construction

- Apparatus construction

- Boiler hot water heating

- Tank heating

- Laboratory

- Food

- packaging technology

- Electroplating



Container drum heaters

Drum heaters are specially designed to melt or reduce the viscosity of products. The diameter of this heater allows it to be used with all barrel sizes up to 200 L.

- Barrel floor heating

- Drum heating bands

- Drum heating jacket

- heat chambers


heating hoses

Flexible heating hoses for use around solid, liquid 
or to transport gaseous media under temperature.

Areas of application:
Filling technology / exhaust gas measurement technology / analytical measurement technology / extruder applications / fat processing / hot melt processing
Adhesive technology / food production / medicine / measurement technology / pharmaceutical processing / PU processing / robotics / dust measurement technology

Their variability in terms of fittings, material, etc. offers many options for meeting individual requirements.

Sonder Heizungslösungen

Sonder Heizungen als Baugruppe nach Kundenwunsch

Was immer Sie elektrisch beheizen wollen  – TENEX Automation AG findet überzeugende Lösungen. Als Fertigungsbetrieb mit Erfahrung erhalten Sie bei uns alles, was einen Komplettanbieter von Heizelementen auszeichnet: ausgewiesene Entwicklungskompetenz, eine hohe Fertigungstiefe und einen modernen Maschinenpark. 


tubular heater

Various designs and variants.
With built-in temperature fuse or thermostat.

Can be used for all industrial and building services applications.


Heating cable - pre-assembled

For industry and building technology.
Pre-assembled including connection cable and plug.

Schaltschrank -1.jpg

Control cabinet heaters

Flexible heating hoses for use around solid, liquid 
or to transport gaseous media under temperature.

Areas of application:
Filling technology / exhaust gas measurement technology / analytical measurement technology / extruder applications / fat processing / hot melt processing
Adhesive technology / food production / medicine / measurement technology / pharmaceutical processing / PU processing / robotics / dust measurement technology

Their variability in terms of fittings, material, etc. offers many options for meeting individual requirements.



Wärmeleitzemente werden dort verwendet, wo hohe Halte- bzw. Anwendungstemperaturen vorherrschen. Wärmeleitzemente bieten eine effiziente Wärmeübertragung zwischen Heizelement, Geräte- oder Rohrleitungsoberfläche. Vermieden wird der üblicherweise auftretende Luftspalt, die volle Heizleistung wird ausgenutzt und es entstehen keine Verluste durch Abstrahlung. 

Temperaturen bis max. 1000° C
Nicht härtend bis 210°C
Ausführliche Informationen sowie technische Daten 
können jederzeit angefordert werden!

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