Measurement technology control technology heating technology
Complete program of electric heating elements
Flat heaters in sheet steel, micanite, silicone
Surface heating elements are used wherever a surface needs to be heated evenly and effectively. Surface heating elements are used in household appliance technology, but also in industry for a wide variety of applications. Their area of application ranges from coffee machines to standstill heating for electric motors. Working temperatures of up to 450°C (in individual cases up to 600°C) and surface loads of up to 5 W/cm² are possible with optimum heat transfer.
cartridge heaters
Diameter Ø3.0 to Ø=50 with a max. length of up to 3000mm, temperature-resistant up to max. 750°C on the cartridge shell.
Special wattage up to max. 60 W/cm²
Voltages 12V to 500V
reproducible power distribution possible
possible with hot tip
available as a PTC controlled cartridge heater
available with integrated fuse
with integrated temperature sensor type J, K, PT100
immersion heater
screw-in heater
Various designs and variants.
With built-in temperature fuse or thermostat.
Can be used for all industrial and building services applications.
- Plant construction
- Apparatus construction
- Boiler hot water heating
- Tank heating
- Laboratory
- Food
- packaging technology
- Electroplating
heating hoses
Flexible heating hoses for use around solid, liquid
or to transport gaseous media under temperature.
Areas of application:
Filling technology / exhaust gas measurement technology / analytical measurement technology / extruder applications / fat processing / hot melt processing
Adhesive technology / food production / medicine / measurement technology / pharmaceutical processing / PU processing / robotics / dust measurement technology
Their variability in terms of fittings, material, etc. offers many options for meeting individual requirements.
Sonder Heizungen als Baugruppe nach Kundenwunsch
Was immer Sie elektrisch beheizen wollen – TENEX Automation AG findet überzeugende Lösungen. Als Fertigungsbetrieb mit Erfahrung erhalten Sie bei uns alles, was einen Komplettanbieter von Heizelementen auszeichnet: ausgewiesene Entwicklungskompetenz, eine hohe Fertigungstiefe und einen modernen Maschinenpark.
Control cabinet heaters
Flexible heating hoses for use around solid, liquid
or to transport gaseous media under temperature.
Areas of application:
Filling technology / exhaust gas measurement technology / analytical measurement technology / extruder applications / fat processing / hot melt processing
Adhesive technology / food production / medicine / measurement technology / pharmaceutical processing / PU processing / robotics / dust measurement technology
Their variability in terms of fittings, material, etc. offers many options for meeting individual requirements.
Wärmeleitzemente werden dort verwendet, wo hohe Halte- bzw. Anwendungstemperaturen vorherrschen. Wärmeleitzemente bieten eine effiziente Wärmeübertragung zwischen Heizelement, Geräte- oder Rohrleitungsoberfläche. Vermieden wird der üblicherweise auftretende Luftspalt, die volle Heizleistung wird ausgenutzt und es entstehen keine Verluste durch Abstrahlung.
Temperaturen bis max. 1000° C
Nicht härtend bis 210°C
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